Healthcare News
What Is a perinatologist?
Hearing you have a high risk pregnancy from your healthcare professional can bring about a lot of emotions. Your healthcare professional can answer any questions you might have and help you understand what it means to have a high risk pregnancy.
Overview of Endometriosis
Our discussion today will focus on endometriosis and the various factors that shape our treatment approaches to the disease. We’ll look at diagnostic tools for endometriosis, treatment options, as well as gaps in care.
How many eggs does a woman have?
Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have in their lifetime. The amount decreases until a person stops ovulating and reaches menopause.
What is vaginal atresia?
Vaginal atresia is a rare condition in which the lower portion of the vagina has not formed as it should. The lower portion of the vagina may instead consist of fibrous tissue, which can cause a blockage.
Sex and intimacy after a pregnancy loss
Pregnancy loss can be difficult for both a person and their partner. Following a pregnancy loss, a person should take as much time as they need before having sex again.