Healthcare News
Moderate to vigorous physical activity important in early weeks of pregnancy
Researchers at the University of Granada (UGR) have analyzed for the first time the link between sedentary time vs. objectively measured physical activity levels and systemic concentrations of glycemic, lipid, and inflammatory markers among pregnant women
How to Find the Right Treatment for Your Endometriosis Symptoms
There are a lot of options, but what’s right for someone else may not be right for you.
Estrogen exposure may stave off cognitive decline in women
Obstretics and Gynecology New research suggests that taking estrogen as part of hormone replacement therapy may help women fight off cognitive decline.
Douching linked to dangerous chemicals in blood
Doctors generally advise women against vaginal douching, warning that this practice can upset the delicate balance of vaginal flora and increase the risk of infection. Now, a new study also shows that douching has associations with a higher blood concentration of harmful chemicals.
First-time pregnancy complications linked to increased risk of hypertension later in life
Women who experience complications such as preterm births and preeclampsia during their first pregnancy are nearly twice more likely than women without complications to develop high blood pressure later in life -- some as quickly as 3 years later, according to a new study of more than 4,000 women.